One of the next things that is of extreme importance to the narcissist is to establish and maintain complete and total control over you and your life. Narcissists do not want a partner for the reasons that we want a partner. Narcissists seek primary sources of narcissistic supply so that they can essentially turn that person into a slave, a servant, and a person that they can blame for anything that goes wrong. This person is used by them to project and blame for the things they do wrong but do not want to take accountability for. This is the basic role that narcissists want for their primary source of narcissistic supply.

So, in knowingness, how does one go about beating the narcissist at their own game? I’ll tell you how, and also know this is the one and only thing that will work. You beat the narcissist by finally understanding and accepting that this person has a severe and permanent personality disorder. They are incapable and unwilling to ever change because they do not have a functioning conscience. They don’t feel bad for the horrible things that they do, and they truly believe that they are entitled to treat others any way they see fit. Many narcissists have a sadistic component to their disorder, meaning they gain great pleasure and satisfaction from abusing and hurting other people, even those that they claim to love.

The only way to beat the narcissist at their own game is to stop playing the game completely. You beat them by accepting the truth of who and what they are, and getting yourself together and separating from the narcissist, and going as low contact as humanly possible if you share children with the narcissist, or no contact for those of you who do not share children, and going about your life focusing on your healing and creating the beautiful and amazing life that you know, and the narcissist knows, you truly deserve. Follow your bliss, transfer your love and concern you have for the narcissist onto yourself, and leave the narcissist in the rear-view mirror. That is the only way that you will ever beat the narcissist.

Thank you for continuing reading, please don’t forget to share this article with your family and friends.


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