How The Narcissist Views Your Silence

So, what you have to remember is, even though they may reach out to you, they may be talking behind your back, you have to not react. They’re looking for this. They’re looking for your reaction. And the reason why they’re looking for your reaction is because they have already smeared your name and said that you are the issue. So, if you react to what they have said behind your back, they’re going to love this because this is the trap that they have already set.”

You know, and other people may believe them. And those people that do believe them, it might be painful because they may be your friends, your family members, people that you’ve known for a really long time. And people that you may have not expected to actually believe the narcissist, and they do. Vice versa, if the person that they are talking to about you and they’re saying derogatory things, if they don’t know you already, then they will never for you. You can’t. The thing is, you cannot try to justify yourself in all of this because if that person is for you, they’ll already know who you are, they’ll already believe you. And if they don’t, then they don’t.”

And that is what you have to remember because you trying to clear your name, trying to, you know, try and get yourself out of this means that it’s going to re-trigger you all over again. You don’t need to justify yourself to anybody.

2 Reasons Why a Narcissist Never Truly Forgets You

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