How The Narcissist Views Your Silence

What has happened here is that you have exposed them. You have triggered their core wounds. And as a result of you triggering their core wounds, they’re not going to let this go lightly. But they want to show you up. They want others to see that you are the issue. These long periods of silence for the narcissist are going to be painful. But again, they’re not going to show you that. What they’re going to do is try and cover it up with other people, other situations, doing other things.”

And if they are surrounding themselves with friends or people that you both mutually know, they’re going to be putting you down. They’re never going to be saying how they are feeling. They’re just going to put you down to make you look like you’re the idiot, like you’re the one that’s in the wrong. You see, this is very childish if you really think about it. This is really childish behavior. This is all about deflection, putting the blame on other people because they’re never going to look internally. They are never going to change. This, for them, is all about putting their best foot forward, being seen as the ones that are the victims, the ones that this has been so painful for. This is about them feeling better about themselves.”

The narcissists cannot stand that you take control. Control for them is a very important thing because they need their needs met. They need you to keep supplying them with this validation. They, on some level, cannot deal with this. They are going to be looking for you to give them this all the time. But when that is gone, they don’t have no more control over you. They can’t manipulate you. So, this all becomes really irritating for the narcissist. I wouldn’t say painful, but very irritating because they have to look to others to be able to give them that supply, to be able to give them that validation.

Why do Narcissists stay loyal to these people

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