How The Narcissist Views Your Silence

The best thing for them to be able to get over this or be able to understand this or be able to have some sort of, I don’t even know what the word is, but like, trying to get themselves back to normal, their normal, okay, they have to put, they have to externalize the blame and say that it’s all your fault. And you see, after a while, that all kind of wears off, you know, and they, they kind of think, ‘Okay, like, I’m not feeling good about this. This is not making me feel any better.’ And there is some guilt and shame that is involved in this. They do feel the guilt and the shame, but of course, of course, my friends, they’re never going to tell you that. They’re never going to show you that.”

So, this is something that you have to understand. This works, like, basically in a cycle. So, what they may do is, at that point when they’re feeling that, they might reach out to you. They might start to initiate some sort of contact. But remember, it’s going to be very minimal. They’re not going to over-indulge in this. You know, so that you have the power, that’s not what this is about. Remember, this is about them keeping their own kind of stature, their own kind of image in all of this. So, they’re not going to go over the top. It’s kind of going to be like a little communication, like, ‘I hope you’re well. I hope you’re okay,’ something along those lines. If you don’t respond, then, okay, they’re not going to try again.”

But you see, it’s a kind of a deflection. It’s kind of like that kind of communication is going to kind of put it back on you to see maybe if you’re not feeling well, are you mentally unwell, are you mentally unstable? It’s going to be something along those lines. You see, and because they can’t accept, they can’t accept, you see, that they have done something wrong. So, again, they’re still externalizing that blame. They’re still kind of thinking, ‘Oh, you know what? It’s you.’ For a lot of us, a lot of them won’t reach out because there’s too much shame, there’s too much guilt involved, and they’re not going to want to be shown up again.

7 Ways a Narcissist Ends Up Losing

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