How Narcissists Manipulate…4 Ways They Play You

Another tactic of the narcissist to get what they want is bullying. This can be verbal bullying, where the narcissist will belittle you, tease you, insult you, or call you names. Then there is the physical bullying, where the narcissist would physically attack you by punching, kicking or hitting. There is also cyberbullying, where they send hateful or hurtful messages and even post things about you that might be untrue. And then the final type of bullying is something called relational bullying, where they try to isolate you from a group or social activities to make you feel excluded. Bullying can take many forms, but the objective is the same. The narcissist is attempting to break you down and make you feel bad about yourself. The aim is to get you to give in to them if you want the abuse to stop or for them to leave you alone. But even if you do, the narcissist will still be back. So, it is important to seek support and talk to someone who would be able to assist in order to put an end to the cycle of abuse.

Another favorite tactic of the narcissist to get their way is triangulation. This is where the narcissist brings a third party into the mix. It is just another form of manipulation for the narcissist to gain or maintain control. So, for example, There is a disagreement or conflict between you and the narcissist. The narcissist would go behind your back and tell someone a version of the disagreement that makes the narcissist look like a good guy. That third party, who is compromised and impartial tries to intervene to push for an outcome that the narcissist wants. Even if the third party doesn’t communicate with you directly the narcissist will tell you that this is what so and so says about the situation. The narcissist always introduces confusion to maintain control. At the end of the day, triangulation serves two main purposes for the narcissist, and it is usually for them to get what they want and to turn people against each other.

But to conclude, when a narcissist wants what they want, they do not care who they hurt in the process. They are selfish individuals who would pretend to like you one day until they get what they want, then ignore you and hate you the next. Or they would bully you and manipulate you until you gave in to them. That is why narcissistic individuals should be avoided at all costs. You have to put distance between yourself and those who desire to only use and abuse you. Ok, that is it for today. I really do hope this was useful. I would love it if you shared your thoughts and experiences below. Have a blessed week everyone, and many thanks for listening.

When the Narcissist Realizes Life Sucks Without You

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