How Narcissists Function Without Remorse… The Toxic Logic Of The Narcissist

Narcissists have a lot of negative energy inside, and it is because they entertain the emotions of envy, fear, and hatred, which affect how they treat others. But aside from their emotions, let’s look at their logic. Logic is basically defined as a particular way of thinking, especially one that is reasonable and based on good judgment. But the logic of narcissists is flawed as it is affected by the negative emotions that consume them, and that is why I refer to their way of thinking and assessing situations and people as toxic logic. As a result of the narcissist’s toxic logic, lots of normal, healthy, empathetic people are left confused by the narcissist’s actions. It’s like, where do you start trying to figure out why they did certain things? But it all comes down to the fact that we are wired differently, we think differently, and narcissists are in a whole park by themselves. It’s crazy how they think. It’s crazy what behaviors they deem acceptable. It’s crazy how they go about accomplishing things. Their logic is crazy and toxic. But above all, it is toxic to us. It hurts us and damages us in more ways than one. So, today I will be providing some insight into the narcissist’s toxic logic and the best way to deal with it.

The aim of today’s article is to address the toxic logic of the narcissist. Because it all begins in the mind. Narcissists are paranoid, and they go through life already thinking that everyone is against them. Every nest has a lot of negative energy inside, and it is because they entertain the emotions of envy, fear, and hatred, which affect how they treat others. But aside from their emotions, let’s look at their logic.

Logic is basically defined as a particular way of thinking, especially one that is reasonable and based on good judgment. But the logic of narcissists is flawed as it is affected by the negative emotions that consume them, and that is why I refer to their way of thinking and assessing situations and people as “toxic logic.” As a result of the narcissist’s toxic logic, lots of normal, healthy, empathetic people are left confused by the narcissist’s actions. It’s like, where do you start trying to figure out why they did certain things? But it all comes down to the fact that we are wired differently, we think differently, and narcissists are in a whole park by themselves. It’s crazy how they think. It’s crazy what behaviors they deem acceptable. It’s crazy how they go about accomplishing things. Their logic is crazy and toxic. But above all, it is toxic to us. It hurts us and damages us in more ways than one.

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