How do you finally defeat a narcissist?

Narcissists enjoy listening to themselves speak. If they’re babbling on about something they enjoy, they’re also less inclined to criticize you. Use this strategy to disarm a narcissistic family member, coworker, or friend. To avoid being bored, try to choose a topic that also fascinates you. Use a phrase like: ” “You almost qualify as an authority on the space program. I hoped you might inform me of the Mars Mission and when it would take place.”

“You seem to be an expert on the past. Can you tell me about the era that you prefer?”

“I’ve heard you enjoy writing. What topics tend to you write about?”

“Your most To avoid setting them off, concentrate on the future.

It’s best to keep your distance, even if they have injured you.

Most likely, they aren’t even aware of what they did. In fact, because narcissists are so preoccupied with themselves, they have trouble remembering things. Instead of talking with the narcissist about how they’ve treated you, vent to a friend or therapist.

Let’s say a coworker has previously taken credit from you. Moving forward, it is preferable to merely concentrate on earning credit for your efforts.

Even if your partner has a habit of criticizing you, bringing it up won’t stop them from getting aggressive. It’s best to divert their attention in the heat of the moment using phrases like “we-language” or evasive answers.The recent presentation really impressed me. Could you please elaborate?”

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