How do you finally defeat a narcissist?

Don’t allow the narcissist to get you to question your knowledge. Narcissists will attempt to confuse you into believing that you are misremembering events or that you misunderstood them. Additionally, they might simply tell you lies. By trusting your instincts and your own observations, you can defeat their game.

React to them when they begin to gaslight you by saying something like, “I appreciate your opinion,” or “I understand you see it that way.” This usually causes them to stop.

Instead of criticizing them, ignore them.

It serves no use to challenge or report a narcissist. Sadly, this will simply cause the issue to worsen. They’ll accuse you of fabricating everything while maintaining your composure. Although dealing with them is often irritating, ignoring them will stop many of their damaging habits. You need not worry about revealing a narcissist because they can only deceive people for a short period of time.

You might be tempted to file a complaint against your narcissistic coworker at work for lying or making fun of you. They’ll only attempt to escalate the drama by turning the tables on you. Don’t fall for their trap.

With a hazy response, conclude discussions.

Arguments only get more heated because narcissists will never acknowledge they are mistaken. It’s tough to persuade them to take responsibility for mistakes since they are so haughty and self-centered. Simply put, they won’t do it. Stop arguing and save yourself the time and effort. The quickest method to stop them is this. 

You might say “I hear you” or “I comprehend your argument” in a professional setting.

You could use the words “Mmmhmm,” “Okay,” or “Cool” when speaking to your spouse or a family member.

To shift the conversation, inquire about their interests.

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