Behaviors of People Who Experienced Mental Abuse from Narcissists (Don’t Miss Out!)

Pessimistic people are the opposite of optimistic people. To explain further, optimistic people have a positive mindset about life, while pessimistic people feel the other way around. Have you encountered a person who has a negative outlook on life, a person that lives life for the sake of living, a person on the brink of losing hope, always doubting everything around them, even themselves? A person lacking hope or confidence in the future is a sign of mental abuse. Their views of either the past, present, or future are inclined to the negative side, believing that the worst of the worst is what lies ahead, behind, or as is. They become suspicious when treated well, thinking that such treatment is done to give way to future ill intentions. For example, one of the effects of mental abuse is degradation. This degradation will then make you pessimistic, resulting in undervaluing your own capabilities, depriving yourself of good things, thinking that you do not deserve them, and being afraid of taking risks because failure is what always comes to mind.

Behavior 5: Sudden Loss of Interest

People who experience mental abuse lose interest even in what they once loved to do so much, causing them to behave inactively and slack off. Even though they are provided with time and resources, they still display their unwillingness to work. They are still unmotivated, even if they know they have the skill and can complete the task perfectly. It is because they assume the worst in all things, or at least the mental abuse inflicted on them by the narcissist made them believe so. Of course, nobody would be productive if they were so pessimistic in their outlook on life, especially if others do not value their productivity, making it unfulfilling and unrewarding.

Behavior 6: Lack of Self-Confidence

Why People With Narcissistic Abuse is FULL of CLUTTER (Shocking Revelation)

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