Behaviors of People Who Experienced Mental Abuse from Narcissists (Don’t Miss Out!)

Have you ever encountered someone who always feels anxious and depressed? Did you try to talk to that person and ask, “How are you?” or “Are you all right?” That person could be a victim of mental abuse from a narcissist. Mental abuse is highly draining; it lingers longer than physical bruises that heal with a pack of ice bags. Mental abuse is tough to forget. It only takes a word for mental abuse, but that one word cuts deeper than a knife, especially if your abuser is someone you cannot distance yourself from or someone whom you always see. Of course, the anticipation of further abuse cannot make a person happy and positive; it never did. Rather, it makes you behave depressingly and anxiously, making you just want everything to end. It keeps you questioning, “What’s next?” or “What else?” If you ever feel this way, consult a professional for help.

Behavior 3: Having No Self-Control

What does it mean to have zero self-control? Let me explain in detail. The mind is the central control of every human being; it controls the whole body and self. Everything starts here before it is put into action and behavior. It processes the situation before producing reactions. The thing with mental abuse is that it targets primary control, resulting in parts going disobedient. The victim loses control of oneself, incapable of restraining one’s emotions, desires, and impulses, which is not good. A lack of self-control will only ruin everything. It makes one say words they cannot take back or do things they will only regret.

Behavior 4: Pessimism

Weird Behaviors of Wives Abused by Narcissistic Husbands

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