90% of Empaths Get Played by Narcissists Because of This!

Number 2: Empaths feel a lot of shame.

Shame is a really strong emotion, and it’s one that almost every human feels. For a number of reasons, though, shame seems to be an issue that empaths deal with even more than the average person. Many experts theorize that it has to do with the empath being able to forgive those that hurt them easily, and so they feel responsible when things go bad, even when it’s not their fault. Whatever the reason is, shame is a weapon in the hands of a narcissist, who will often use it against the person they are trying to trick. Therapy, meditation, and self-reflection can all help reduce the impact shame can have on a person, but it is also something that takes a lot of time and care to overcome.

Number 1: They focus more on people and not on their passions.

Empaths open up to the world easily, but sometimes they need to learn when to close off and pursue their own interests. If all of your ties to happiness have to do with other people and what they are feeling, you are going to find it much harder to find stability and a foundation of happiness within yourself, which is a problem empaths often experience. Focusing on your own interests and pastimes may seem like simple advice, but it is one that is often overlooked by those within the empathic community.

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