90% of Empaths Get Played by Narcissists Because of This!

Number 7: Empaths can’t stand being alone.

Although it’s true that empaths value their alone time, especially since it’s a rare opportunity to recharge their social batteries, in general, you will find that most empaths would prefer to be in the presence of their friends and family than spend their time alone. This fact alone is very important to narcissists, who generally try to isolate their friends and partners in an effort to take more control. Empaths who are separated from their loved ones struggle much more than the average person, and it makes them more subdued as a result. Narcissists and empaths usually have very toxic relationships because their worldviews and desires are so different, and the narcissist usually takes control after they can successfully isolate the empath. Although most empaths tend to be accommodating, they should be extremely careful if someone is asking them to spend less time and energy with friends and family. When empaths are alone, they are more likely to suffer from signs of depression and also tend to lose their direction in a fairly major way.

Number 6: Empaths crave support and advice.

Another reason why empaths are more susceptible to the manipulation tactics of narcissists is that they are quick to turn to others for advice and support. An empath is used to getting into the heads of others, and it’s something they do on a daily basis, and as a result, they tend to crowdsource their biggest decisions to those within their social circle. This is actually a great trait for a friend to have, as it means they value your opinion, but it also opens them up to getting led down the wrong path. Narcissists that have invaded the life of an empath may try to feed bad advice to the empath to get them turned around and so that they lose sight of their moral compass. Since empaths regularly ask for advice, they may not even know that they are being influenced until it is pointed out to them by another friend or family member.

Number 5: Empaths are very sensitive.

Being sensitive is not a bad thing, but it can leave you more open to attacks from people with bad intentions. Empaths are some of the most sensitive people out there, as they are open and honest with their feelings and want to think the best of the world. It doesn’t take a whole lot for an empath to feel attacked, and little jabs and remarks can really start to wear down a person with empathic abilities. Narcissists, by nature, are pretty quick to lash out at others, and it takes a very strong defense to be able to leave a conversation with a narcissist unscathed. When empaths hang out with narcissists for an extended period of time, it’s easy for them to become tired and a little defensive. In many cases, a narcissist will start to use this to their advantage and try to turn the crowd against the empath once they have no energy left to defend themselves.

The Dangerous Relationship Between A Narcissist and An Empath

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