7 Types of People a Narcissist Deeply Hates

  1. Narcissists hate brave people because they are cowards.

Narcissists hate brave people because they are cowards. They hate your resilience, which is why they try everything they can to bring you down. They can’t see you being strong because it reminds them of their own weaknesses. They recruit flying monkeys and enablers to send across your way only to keep you entangled, only to keep you busy with all the mess they try to create. Later, when you leave them, they can’t see you flying away. They can’t see you standing for a cause. They can’t see you openly speaking about your emotions. They can’t see you owning your mistakes because they can’t do it. Owning your mistakes, reflecting, taking responsibility are all acts of bravery. It takes a lot of courage to acknowledge one’s wrongdoings, and when you do it, they feel like a failure deep down. They want that authenticity; the idea of it is alluring, but their false self does not allow it to become their reality. And you know if a narcissist cannot have it, what will they do? They will try to take it away. If they can’t take it away, then they will destroy it. That’s exactly what they try to do with your bravery.

  1. They hate big-minded, visionary, and independent people.

They hate big-minded, visionary, and independent people who make their dreams a reality. Unlike a narcissist who only loves to live in their delusions of grandeur, they hate these Visionaries for leaving a big impact in this world, for changing hundreds of lives because they can’t do it. They want to but they can’t since it only remains a delusion in their head. Whereas when a visionary tries to do it and make it possible, that makes him feel like a failure. That grandiosity tells him, ‘Oh, you are great, you can make anything possible. Here is your business plan, now do it.’ They do not put in the efforts to make their words reality, and they hate it when you are able to come up with a plan and create your reality with your own hands. They hate that they do not have that kind of power, which is also the reason why they find these big-minded people, visionaries, independent people, only to bring them down, to destroy them.

Does God ever punish a narcissist?

  1. They hate truth-tellers.

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