6 Things That Will Happen When The Narcissist Decides to Teach You A Lesson

Gaslighting is a psychologically manipulative technique used to cause someone to doubt their reality and memory. You’re making things up, that never happened, and you’re being dramatic, which are all common gaslighting statements.

Narcissists use this gaslighting technique to teach their victims a lesson. When a victim is regularly gaslighted, they develop low self-esteem and emotional dependence on the narcissist. During a gaslighting conflict, they may feel a range of emotions, from uncertainty and rage to frustration, and find themselves running in endless circles both out loud and in their heads. This type of back and forth is exhausting and can damage their self-trust. The purpose of gaslighting is to have their victims doubt their perception. Narcissists’ goal is to evade accountability while progressively causing you to create an emotional dependence on them. Once you can properly determine when gaslighting is happening, you can start interrupting the cycle.

Narcissists will verbally, emotionally, and physically abuse you.

Narcissistic abuse is emotional abuse in which a narcissist is primarily concerned with themselves and may control their partner’s behavior and emotional condition through words and actions. Narcissists may verbally, emotionally, and physically abuse you once they want to get revenge and teach you a lesson.

The effects of narcissistic abuse can vary depending on how long the relationship can be tolerated. You can feel as though you’ve entirely lost track of yourself. As a sort of conditioning, narcissistic abuse can damage your sense of self-worth. You might not feel like the person you were before all of this happened. Many victims of narcissistic abuse fail to recognize themselves in the mirror because they no longer see their actual reflection peering back at them. You can also have trust issues with other individuals and continuously doubt or second-guess yourself. You may begin to believe that you are not good enough or that you contributed to the abuse in the first place. This might lead to guilt and humiliation, preventing you from seeking treatment. You may also have difficulty making decisions. Simple decisions may perplex you, or you may feel unable to make any decisions at all.

Narcissist tests will demand a lot of things from you.

Why You Are More POWERFUL Than The Narcissist

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