6 Secrets ALL Narcissists Keep

Narcissists are always close to exposing themselves. So I know that a lot of you out there are kind of worried about how to expose the narcissist, and really, the best way to do it is to let them do it themselves. When you are hiding your true self, when you are living a false persona, it’s going to be very easy to knock you off of that, right? So that’s what’s going on with narcissists. Imagine how exhausting it must be to be a different person when you’re at work, when you’re at church, and when you’re at home. When can you truly be yourself? And the answer is when you have nothing to prove. And a lot of narcissists will feel like they have nothing to prove around their partners or their families until a partner or a family member is threatening to expose them in some way.

If you threaten to expose a narcissist, they are very likely to go on the attack. And this is when you’re going to see any gaslighting or manipulation. You’re going to see that heightened. And the danger in this is that they’re really good at it. So they might get to you. You never want to play the narcissist’s game. I mean, you may feel like you do, but it’s not going to work out as well for you because you’re not a narcissist. You are a person who has some level of empathy. So if you really want to know what a narcissist is all about, if you’re at a point where you’re getting ready to leave, you’re not going to want them to know it because this is the time when they’re going to try to manipulate you. And their manipulation can come in many different forms, and it can be very believable.

So if you’re at this point, instead of trying to push their buttons to expose them, just sit back and watch and keep a journal of all the manipulation and all the lies. This stuff is still going to be going on. But when they think that you don’t have them figured out, they’re probably going to be a little bit more obvious about it. When they think that you’re buying into the act, when they think that you’re on the hook, they’re probably going to get a little bit sloppy. So this is the time to pay attention and to make a record of what’s going on.

They don’t understand love.

Narcissists’ 8 Favorite Catchphrases (Spot Them From a Mile Away)

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