5 Ways A Narcissist Will Abandon You Without A Second Thought

This last of the five ways a narcissist can abandon you without a second thought is how you can end this in your power and even with great advantage to yourself at the end.

If you have committed to your inner work to heal and take back your soul, sanity, and life force, then you know who the narcissist is.

The curtain has been pulled back from the little man (or woman) hiding behind it, and you know this person is not powerful and has been merely attacking you with the unhealed parts of you that you are now taking full responsibility to meet and heal.

You are no longer buying into the nasty behavior. You now know your values and truths. You are no longer hooked in, and you are taking empowered, calm, and clear actions to regain and take back control of your life.

Feeling this shift from having you on the ropes, where the narcissist could mess with you, to not having the upper hand anymore… The narcissist will test you to see if they can still infiltrate your boundaries.

They may try threats, hoovering, threatening new supplies, or trying to appeal to your compassionate side (or whatever tactic they used to do to hook you).

If they discover that you are serious, sealed up, and not falling for it, and they start to realize you are not responding and moving on with your new life, then he or she may try the ultimate sob story apology and promise reform.

Of course, this is also faux. And my greatest suggestion is to keep healing! If you don’t give in, then the narcissist knows there are no more moves left on the chess table.

Firmly know this: a narcissist, like any predator, has to get a feed that exceeds the energy expended trying to get it. Otherwise, the hunter is finished.

Now the narcissist needs to go. And I really mean this. For them to stay in your presence, connected to you and your life in any way, when they can no longer hook you, affect you, siphon out narcissistic supply, and have you hand it over, is the ultimate insult to a narcissist.

They have to go to places where they can be narcissists, suck emotional energy and resources from people, and know their own significance as a result of being able to affect people intensely.

I can’t tell you how many people in this wonderful community, as a result of working with NARP, healing their internal triggers, and getting support from our incredible NARP community (which, in my humble opinion, is the most successful Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Community in the world), have experienced narcissists capitulating—handing over healthy settlements, custody arrangements, and stopping their trash—because of exactly this fifth point.

In Conclusion

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