5 Things a Narcissist Hopes for When you go No-Contact

2. They hope the smear campaign impacts you severely.

They hope all the smear campaigns they run against you will impact you severely. They want everybody to shun you, to see you as an outcast, as a rebel, as a sinner, as someone who is a home wrecker, somebody who has destroyed his or her partner, or abandoned his or her parents. A person who has no empathy whatsoever, somebody who is a walking, living, breathing monster. That’s how they villainize you or try to villainize you in other people’s eyes. It’s said that when a narcissist cannot control you directly, they try to control how others see you, and that’s what they target when running a smear campaign.

They want you to suffer in loneliness. They hope that by getting as many people as possible on their side, they will be able to punish you. They are able to convince you that you did something horribly wrong and that you should be ashamed of yourself. But most of the time, it doesn’t work that way. A lot of people, especially those who know you, who trust you, understand your story, and shun the narcissist instead,. And that is when their smear campaign backfires, and they fail. Unfortunately, in some cases, especially work situations, this kind of stuff works, and you are isolated. Your colleagues just listen to your narcissistic boss’s crap, and then they treat you the way he or she wants them to treat you. That’s when it gets really, really painful to deal with.

3. They hope you act like nothing has happened.

   They hope that you will act like nothing has happened when they start hovering you. Hovering happens when a narcissist knows that there is no option left for them except to act nice. When they put on a mask of niceness, they unrealistically expect you to play along. They expect you to forget everything they have ever said to you and just make it seem like, “Oh yeah, we are together again. Let’s be one again. Let’s believe in the future that the narcissist is casting the illusion. Let’s become a part of the shared fantasy that the narcissist creates for you,” and so on.

10 Types Of People Narcissists Respect

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