5 effective ways that make a narcissist panic

Confrontation: Suppose a narcissist is a neglectful parent; they are aware of this fact but choose to bury it deep in their psyche, pretending it doesn’t exist. When confronted, this buried truth resurfaces and burns within them. The narcissist not only denies their shortcomings but may also resort to punishing those who dare to confront them. Don’t be surprised if you receive the silent treatment after a heated confrontation.

Loss of control: Narcissists crave control over those around them, particularly when they feel they have lost control over their own lives. Losing control makes them feel weak and vulnerable. A narcissist who has lost control often transforms into a control freak, ensuring they exert dominance over others before they can be controlled themselves. Losing control over someone close to them is the last thing a narcissist desires.

Aging: Nobody welcomes the process of aging, but for narcissists, their physical appearance and beauty serve as the bedrock for obtaining the narcissistic supply they need to cope with their deeply rooted low self-esteem. Consequently, they are petrified of aging. On the other hand, narcissists who rely on their intelligence to impress others are less affected by the aging process. You can find further insights on this topic in my previous post titled “Do Narcissists Get Worse with Age?

Furthermore, when narcissists encounter individuals who outshine them in any aspect, their inherent feelings of inferiority are triggered. Interactions in competitive environments, such as workplaces, often evoke this reaction. In relationships, struggles for power or attempts to assert control over the household can also provoke these feelings.

But why do narcissists panic so easily?

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