5 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism

The fog of chaos is an intriguing demonic spirit that contributes to narcissistic abuse. This spirit induces confusion, disorientation, and a lack of clarity in the narcissist’s mind. While narcissists are often aware of the consequences of their actions, they remain indifferent to the pain they cause. The fog of chaos deepens their detachment from empathy and morality, allowing them to derive amusement from the suffering they inflict on others.

Under the influence of the fog of chaos, narcissists revel in the chaos they create. They derive a sense of power and control from destabilizing the lives of those around them. This spirit blinds them to the realities of their destructive behavior, making it challenging for them to recognize the harm they cause. As the narcissist becomes one with the harm they perpetrate, their capacity for goodness and compassion diminishes.

1 The Harsh Critical Judge:

When The Narcissist Knows You’re Done, This Is What Happens

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