4 Things a Narcissist NEVER Gets Over

In this article, we’re going to talk about the 4 things that a narcissist NEVER gets over. These are the things that will keep them feeling insecure and angry throughout their lives.

Narcissists are incredibly insecure people, and these 4 things are the key things that keep them feeling that way. By understanding these concepts, you can start to heal the damage that has been done to you.

Hating and wanting to hurt or destroy you for exposing them

Narcissists carefully paint this picture of themselves where they’re always the hero, the biggest victim, or the star. Think of it like they are building a house of cards. They want everyone to be awed by it. But when someone, in this case, you, comes along and points out that the house isn’t stable or that it’s actually a bit crooked, the narcissist loses it.

Here is the twist, though: deep down, they cannot get over the fact that they were exposed. It’s like a stain that just won’t come out. They act like they have moved on, but it eats at them. It doesn’t let them sleep at night, and they secretly ruminate over the fact that you were able to cause so much damage to their image. They may pretend they are happy and don’t even think about you, but the reality is that they never let go. You act as a reminder of their mortified self, which remains with them until the very end.

Losing control over you and not being able to use you again.

10 things Narcissists will NEVER GET OVER With

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