10 Ways to Shut Down a Narcissist’s Emotional Blackmail

Number 2: Push them back into reality.

Emotional blackmail is a very complex topic, since there are a ton of different ways for things to shake out. If they are blaming you for things that aren’t your fault or trying to make you the fall guy for their own problems, then it’s clear that they aren’t being logical, so why should you be? Make the other person deal with things in reality first, and when they start to make things bigger than they actually are or point fingers, then shut them down. This solution works really well for people who are forced to keep dealing with a narcissist, and it does wonders in keeping them in line and on task.

Number 1: Threaten to cut them off.

If a person is resorting to emotional blackmail, it probably means that this relationship wasn’t worth saving to begin with. Of course, there are exceptions, but a person who chooses themselves over you is not usually going to make a good partner or friend. So what do you do when they start threatening you and your relationship? You simply threaten to end it all right then and there. Almost always, the narcissist will back down and will be much more wary of bringing up the topic again. Since narcissists typically want to be with people who adore them anyway, this may actually lead to a quicker end than originally planned, which is also great news for you. Always remember, if you are dealing with a narcissist, then your biggest weapon is your presence. Once you start threatening to take that away, the whole structure starts to fall apart, and they lose most of their leverage.

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