10 Things That Confirm Someone Is Surely A Narcissist

Number 9: They display arrogant behavior.

Most of the time Narcissistic people are often arrogant and display that arrogance in various ways. They may be condescending or patronizing, or they may be boastful and proud. Narcissistic people think they are better than everyone else and often make fun of other people’s shortcomings. They also tend to be very condescending towards others and may even belittle their accomplishments to make themselves feel superior. People with this type of behavior toward you are likely narcissists. Narcissists may act arrogantly because they feel they deserve special treatment due to their superior status. They may also use their arrogance as a defense mechanism to protect themselves from negative emotions such as shame or guilt.

Number 10: They lie a lot about everything.

Not all narcissists are liars, but they tend to lie when they don’t have any reason to. Narcissists often make up stories to make themselves look better or avoid taking responsibility for something they did wrong. And because they always feel right, they’ll keep going until you call them out. It’s not just the little white lies everyone tells; narcissists will say whatever they have to say to get what they want and then move on without thinking twice about it. The big whoppers could get them in trouble if anyone knew the truth. Though recognizing a narcissist is not always easy, there are a few key characteristics to look for. A person with narcissistic tendencies will most likely fall into one of these categories. If someone exhibits multiple signs on this list, they are most likely a narcissist. If you suspect you’re dealing with a narcissist, keep these characteristics in mind and try not to let them get to you.

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