10 Reasons Why Narcissists Avoid Kissing their Partners

Kissing is one of the many ways romantic partners connect, and it is an important component of any relationship. When couples kiss, they establish emotional intimacy. since the act entails feelings of connection and vulnerability. Remember that narcissists have no empathy. Do narcissists kiss? They do, but the narcissist always has an agenda when he enters a relationship. That plan is to turn you into their supply.

 Here are 10 reasons why narcissists avoid kissing their partners:

Narcissists have ulterior motives. 

Narcissists have a secret motive in practically everything they do and say. Everything they do conforms to the daily illusion they inhabit. So, everything they do is meant to deceive, to distort your perception of them from the start. Their entire presentation is a false personality. These parasites will do whatever it takes to avoid engaging in sensual conduct. However, they will indulge in a few steamy kisses if they cannot escape a hot date and feel trapped. After all, they are extremely cunning, so it’s not surprising that they are eager to fool their romantic interests. The truth is that they will engage in intimate behavior to obtain their desired outcome.

Narcissists aren’t just romantic.

For these people, romance is a very confusing concept. They are only interested in the courtship stage of dating. They are not mature enough to follow through on their promises and enter into a meaningful relationship. Their love life is a series of courtships with a different woman each time. They are in love with a concept of love rather than someone, which is why they always avoid kissing their partners. 

Still, the sad truth is that they never allow themselves to become invested in people. which means they never get to experience these amazing feelings. Narcissists have several difficulties when it comes to love. First, they neither see themselves nor others clearly as humans; they perceive others as extensions of themselves rather than as distinct individuals with varying needs, goals, and feelings.

Narcissists lack empathy

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