Why Do Narcissists Walk Ahead of You?

Walking ahead or behind you is also proof of the narcissist’s impaired or missing empathy. They cannot form true emotional attachments or bonds, which is why they walk ahead, displaying their lack of concern and consideration of your existence and, ultimately, empathy. Because all of it comes back to empathy and selflessness. In the end, they are only concerned about their needs and wants and have nothing to do with yours or you, which becomes quite evident when they walk ahead. They don’t look at what is happening behind them to ensure you are alright. They just keep walking and want you to keep up with their pace. And if you fail to do so, they give you a scary and demeaning look as if they’re commanding you to do better. Also, sadistic and malignant narcissists take pleasure in making other people suffer. When you are with them in public, they walk faster, making you panic and rush. They may intentionally hide and leave your line of sight to create a reason for punishing you later. Ironically, when you find them, they may blame your slow walking for their bewildering event.

Now let’s talk about control and dominance. Narcissists walk ahead or behind to assert dominance. In a normal and healthy relationship, be it with anyone—your parent, partner, or friend—you walk together as equals and as two individuals with mutual regard for each other’s presence. But when you are with a narcissist, they walk ahead or behind you to make you feel controlled and under their thumb. By walking this way, they invalidate and neglect you, sending a non-verbal message across that says, “I own you,” “You are mine,” or “You don’t matter to me, and I am better than you.” They want you to look up to them for direction and depend on them for your way forward so they can feel happy about how much power they have over you. When walking behind, they terrorize you because you feel you’re being closely watched and monitored. You feel like a terrified dog on a leash with a cruel master behind it. They may even pass comments on your walking style to make you anxiously self-conscious and stressed. While walking ahead, they create a chase, indicating that they are pulling away and that you must run after them to stop them from leaving you. All of this affects you subconsciously, which manifests as anxiety around going out with them or being around them in public.

2 Reasons Why a Narcissist Never Truly Forgets You

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