Why Do Narcissists Get Married?

Own a never-ending source of narcissistic supply.

Another reason that narcissists get married is to nail down and basically own a never-ending source of narcissistic supply. Of course, you likely won’t be aware of this before you are married. However, that is a very big reason why narcissists get married. Basically, they look at marriage as ownership of the supply that their spouse will be required to give them 24/7.

Manipulation and control:

Next, many narcissists get married because they believe that their spouse—the victim—won’t ever leave. They believe that the contract of marriage will keep the person chained to them indefinitely. So, they look at marriage as a contract, proof, and evidence that they will never be alone or abandoned; we look at marriage as a partnership based in love, compromise, compassion, and respect; this couldn’t be further from the reasons The Narcissist gets married. We look at marriage as a team, as a partnership. Narcissists look at marriage as what the spouse will be giving them. They don’t genuinely consider the needs of their spouse; they are solely concerned about their needs. and they will select a spouse that they believe they can manipulate and morph into the best Stepford wife or husband that one could have.

The scapegoat spokesmen:

Another reason many narcissists get married is so that they can have a punching bag and a dumping ground to utilize for blaming them for everything that goes wrong, whether this spouse is responsible for it or not. Narcissists take zero responsibility for the bad things they do or the outcomes that they are responsible for.

8 Ways Narcissists Spy On You

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