Why do narcissists cheat?

The first reason a narcissist cheats is that they respect no one. They will disown you when you are not around. And it is out of pure disrespect that a narcissist would flirt and lead others into thinking they are available. Narcissists value no one, and that is why it is easy for them to turn their back on you, use you, and discard you. That is why it is easy for them to cheat on you. Narcissists also cheat because they are selfish. They do not care that they are being unfaithful. They do not care how their actions will affect their partner. They do not care that they are keeping secrets. All narcissist cares about is getting what they want and feeling good about themselves.

Another reason narcissists cheat is that they are greedy. They were never satisfied with the love and affection they received. They are never satisfied with the sacrifices their partners make to make them happy. They are never satisfied with just one person. They will remain open for as many supplies as they can get.

The final reason narcissists cheat is that they get bored easily. They get bored with their partners once they have secured them. They get bored being intimate with the same person. They get bored with what that person has to offer them. Narcissists like having a bit of a challenge, and finding and securing other sources of supply is the perfect challenge to keep them entertained and their supply bank full.

A very wonderful book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself (English Edition)

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