When Will a Narcissist Leave You?

6 when you establish boundaries. 

Don’t ever allow the narcissist in your life to define you. Only you determine who you are. Narcissists are masters at telling you who you are and not always in a positive light. Refuse to accept any definition a narcissist has for you, whether it is about your appearance, character, intelligence, or anything else. Make a concerted effort to define yourself instead. You will be abused if you set boundaries with a narcissist. 

The narcissist will interpret your boundaries as narcissistic damage. You will face significant consequences if you declare your independence. In essence, you’re fighting for your survival. You must be solid and steadfast to resist the vengeance you will face due to setting solid boundaries with your narcissist. Never ever give up on yourself. A narcissist will give up and leave once you establish firm boundaries. 

5 When you are in a difficult situation.

Narcissists are motivated by feelings of superiority and the expansion of their power. So, receiving love and adoration, fame, influence, opportunities, publicity, and other resources is the only thing that matters when helping others. They don’t care about other people because they see them as tools to be used. Narcissists will never try to help you if you are in a different situation in your life. As a result, they may have made plans to leave you soon, but before they leave, keep in mind that narcissists enjoy drama. If they are not directly affected by the problematic situation you are in, they want to shift the focus to them. They will be enraged at whoever or whatever is to blame. They will argue about the circumstances and the reason for doing so. They’ll sob about being the victim and how this should never have happened. So, most of the time, if a family or a group of people is going through a difficult time, the narcissist will use it to gain attention and have everyone focus on them.

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