When The Narcissist Gets To Boss You Around

 All that matters is that they reap the rewards and that they have the control they desire. But when it comes to their personal lives their persistent need for control can be hidden from the rest of the world. That is why some Narcissists are able to appear meek and mild in public but in private or with those closest to them they are merciless dictators.

They would boss around their partners, children, friends and parents. Some Narcissists get children just to be able to have that supreme authority over someone else’s life. And that is why even when their children are fully grown, they are never able to respect them or let them be their own person. Narcissistic parents, especially Narcissistic mothers want to remain in charge.

They believe their control should extend to the grave. They strongly believe that these children they have brought forth into this world are theirs to take out if necessary. When it comes to people in their lives the Narcissist feels entitled to their life and time. They think they know best when it comes to what you should be doing and who you should be doing it with if anything at all. But Narcissists truly feel that your time is best spent doing things for them.

Narcissists want you to spend your life and your time according to their demands. But time is a precious commodity that cannot be wasted on Narcissists who do not even appreciate you or your time. Narcissists and time is something I have addressed quite a bit on this channel because Time is something you cannot get back.

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