When A Narcissist Turns People Against You, This Is What You Should Do That You Never Think About

The importance of communication is indicative of how essential communication is and how imperative it is to approach things directly and have open conversations. When someone is going around doing a hatchet job on you, spouting lies and rumors, it is vital for those around you to take a step back from these stories and have the courage to discuss things directly with you rather than taking someone else’s hearsay as gospel truth.

If those who you thought of as friends and family genuinely cared about your well-being, the healthy ones in your social network would have approached you directly to discuss their concerns. Like the kind brother in the previous story, it is the individuals who have healthy relationships with you who tend to reach out first and say, “Hey, I just heard something, and it was pretty upsetting.”

The good people in the mentioned story—the one good and honest person in the kind brother’s network—were the first to notice things didn’t add up and confront him about it. It is typically the good people in your midst who will see through the lies and deceit and approach you directly. However, having to rebuild your reputation, especially when you’re entirely innocent, can feel incredibly unfair, painful, and uncomfortable. It is a cruel and unjust state of affairs that can take a lot of effort, emotional energy, and time to overcome.

The silver lining is that it can be unsettling to watch your relationships put to the test. However, you could see the silver lining in all of this if you reflect on how the narcissist’s.

Things You Do That a Toxic Person HATES Vehemently

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