What to Expect as the Narcissist Ages

As narcissists age, you will see a drastic increase in their levels of delusional thinking and paranoia. Narcissists, in general, are quite paranoid people. I think one of the main reasons for this is that they know they can’t be trusted. They know how they manipulate and exploit other people, so they assume that others are as deceptive as they are and are out to take advantage of them. However, as they get older, this paranoia takes on a life of its own.

The narcissist becomes suspicious of all kinds of things and people, including culture, businesses, political parties – you name it. They start to believe that everyone and everything is out to get them, steal from them, or exploit them in some manner. This paranoia can get so bad that people might think the narcissist has schizophrenia and is hearing voices. However, it’s simply their pathology getting worse and taking over their beliefs and perceptions. This is beyond exhausting for the people in their lives.

Another thing that you will typically see increasing in severity as the narcissist ages is their bigotry. Most narcissists become bigoted about certain things pretty early in life. One of the main reasons that narcissists become bigots is that, in their minds, this supports their fantasy land reality that they are superior beings. So, they may be sexist, homophobic, racist, or have extreme polarizing political beliefs. They may be religious bigots condemning any other religion or person who believes differently than they do. They come to have these totalitarian beliefs about all kinds of things. Essentially, whatever it is that they are against becomes much more intense as they age. Whatever or whoever they use as a scapegoat to degrade, moralize, humiliate, and demonize, in order for them to feel special and superior, will become more extreme and can become all-consuming to the aging narcissist.

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