What Happens When You Ignore A Narcissist?

Some narcissists just react to being ignored by pretending it isn’t happening. They will keep talking or texting you as if everything is exactly the same. 

This is, of course, an incredibly frustrating form of gaslighting. For example, you’re actively trying to not be on speaking terms, and they’re acting like everything is going just well!

This might feel confusing, but don’t delude yourself into thinking that the narcissist is just being naive. Acting oblivious is just another way narcissists try to manipulate others into believing they are the true victims.

2 They Will Apologize and Beg For Forgiveness

If you’ve never ignored the narcissist before, don’t be surprised if they suddenly begin groveling for your forgiveness once they realize you really aren’t talking to them.

This is the time a narcissist is most likely to try to win you over with grandiose promises. They’ll offer to go to therapy. They’ll tell you they’re finally ready for marriage or children. They’ll promise to never act this way again.

Keep in mind these types of apologies or promises aren’t made out of genuine guilt. While it’s true that some narcissists feel some remorse, they’re far more interested in self-preservation and maintaining their usual status quo.

Narcissists don’t change overnight, and they know how to manipulate people to get what they want. And what they want is power and control. If they need to apologize and beg for that, that’s exactly what they will do.

3 They Will Try to Make You Even More Angry

What are weird habits of covert narcissist?

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