This is Why Narcissists Stare So Intently

Number three: Narcissists want to feel in control.

Control and narcissists come in a package of one.

As narcissists have a deep need for control, they are expected to have countless measures to exercise this desire. Staring intensely can be a way to assert dominance in a situation and realize their wants. Locking eyes with someone can make the other person feel uncomfortable and vulnerable, giving the narcissist a sense of power. As a result, the other person, which is you in this context, will be wrapped in the narcissist’s games if you let them overpower you through their stares. In this situation, the best thing you have to do is to become hyper-aware of your surroundings while acting unbothered by them. I know it can be confusing and hard to do at first try, but you’ll get used to it. You need to be able to do that to keep yourself safe from harm.

Number four: Narcissists want to make a connection.

Despite their grandiosity, narcissists can feel insecure and lonely. Staring intensely can be a way for them to create a sense of connection with someone else, even if it’s just through eye contact. Narcissists may also be more likely to stare at people because they are less adept at reading social cues. Narcissists

have lower levels of empathy, which means they struggle to imagine someone else’s feelings or thoughts. They may also be less adept at detecting the emotions of others, which can make it more challenging for them to understand what someone is trying to communicate with their body language.

Number five: Narcissists want to read your reactions.

Narcissists are often skilled at reading people, and staring intensely can give them a lot of information about how you’re feeling and what you’re thinking. Narcissists may use this information to manipulate you or better understand how to get what they want from you. This kind of intense staring is often intimidating, and it can make you feel as though the narcissist has an almost psychic ability to know what you’re thinking. But don’t let it fool you. It’s important to remember that they don’t have such supernatural powers. They just know how to read people well. And most of the time, when they get a reaction from you, narcissists will be overjoyed and satisfied with the attention you give them. So when you notice them staring at you, you better not give them the satisfaction of seeing you miserable.

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