Things NEVER To Do With Narcissists

The next thing never to do is to expect them to change. I guess there are stories out there of narcissists who have changed and who have done the inward work that they need to do, and it’s just so rare that if you sit around waiting for that, you’re going to be disappointed and they’re probably taking advantage of you along the way, as they do it. So, especially if you’re negotiating with them, you definitely don’t want to be taken in by that because if they act like they’ve changed, it’s probably just a manipulation and a move. Maybe it’s a hoover or a future fake or something like that in order to try to get you back into their web of control. So, don’t expect that.

Number four is not really, if they need to, in order to manipulate you, then they might. But, for the most part, it’s deny, project, deflect, and lie. They’ll do that too. They don’t want to have to take responsibility for their actions because then that is less of themselves, right? They don’t have a sense of self, it’s already very fragile. So, by having to take responsibility, they feel like they’re being exposed and they don’t want that.

The next one is, never give them ammunition. In other words, don’t do things that make it easy for them to make you a target, like get super emotional, get angry. I was just talking to somebody recently where the wife is bipolar and she wasn’t on her meds and she was kicking, hitting the husband, pushing him, and doing all of these things to him. As a response, because he was angry, he broke a table. Now, she has something on him, right? So, don’t give them ammunition. Never, ever, ever do that.

6 Secrets ALL Narcissists Keep

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