The Reason Why a Narcissist CANNOT Relax

Narcissists are like children stuck in an adult’s body, constantly seeking instant gratification. They need new and shiny objects to distract them from their own misery. This threshold keeps increasing, making it harder for them to feel excited. This is why they create chaos and chase new things constantly. Once they obtain something, they lose interest and move on to the next challenge.

It’s important to note that the need for distraction and the inability to sit still can also be a trauma response in non-narcissists. The problem with narcissists is their inability to acknowledge and address this issue. If you try to hold them accountable or ask for rest, they ridicule you and call you lazy.

In summary, narcissists are always on the run, which is exhausting for you but exciting for them. They catch up with the consequences later in life, often in the form of terminal illnesses. For you, this exhaustion is immediate and overwhelming. After leaving a narcissistic relationship, you need to give yourself the rest you couldn’t get before.

The Progressive Deterioration of the Narcissist

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