The Narcissist’s Worst Nightmare After They Let You Go

The narcissist would also prefer it if you never got over them. They want you to be obsessed with them and remain broken without them. So, when you rise again, truly move on, flourish without the narcissist, and be more successful in your relationships than they will ever be, it does not go down well with them. Therefore, they may try to come back into your life to break up what you currently have. They may try to convince you that they are the right one for you. In my article, I discussed the fact that narcissists destroy relationships and the type of relationships they target. But they just want to mess up what you have. If you get back with them, they will just discard you again. The simple fact is that the narcissist does not want you to be happy. They do not want you to move on. They should move on, but not you. And it is not limited to just having another romantic relationship because you can remain alone and still be happy. The most important thing is that you recover, thrive, and live your life as if they do not exist. That is enough to make them uneasy. But we cannot let them keep us down. We cannot let them win.

Now, why does the narcissist come back? Another thing that the narcissist does not want to happen after they discarded someone is realizing that they may have made the wrong choice. Not only were they unable to find someone better, but they also had to settle for less than they imagined. This is referred to as a downgrade when the narcissist ends up with someone who is incomparable to their ex, but in a negative way. The downgrade can also be someone that the narcissist previously stated they would never be interested in. However, when narcissistic supply is low, the narcissist will settle for what they can get. Narcissists need people, and that’s why they end up in situations where they are settling for a lot less than they would prefer. In a situation like this, the narcissist may once again try to get back with an ex. But if that ex is you, never let them

 back. They have made their bed; let them lie in it. No matter how much they cry and beg, do not give in. Because if you do, they will not be grateful, remain faithful, or treat you right. As soon as they are comfortable, they will go back to their old ways.

But to wrap this up, if a narcissist discarded you and you ended up better off than they did, it would be an absolute nightmare for the narcissist. Knowing that they once had you but let you go and you are no longer interested in them will devastate them. However, your happiness and success are something the narcissist never cared about. So, let them stay in their nightmare while you live your dreams. That’s it for today. Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section. As always, many thanks for listening.

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