The Narcissist’s Number 1 Tool that Drives You CRAZY

Your memory is really failing you. Something is wrong with you, not them. Over time, you doubt your own perceptions and memories about what was actually said and become more and more dependent on them to interpret what actually happened, which is always a goal of a narcissist. They want complete control over their victims.

Another reason that narcissists enjoy using word salad so much is because it gives them tons and tons of narcissistic supply. Narcissists view conversations as competitions, the objective is always to win. Like I said before, your objective for having a conversation and the narcissist’s aim are at complete opposites. They are not concerned with logic or honesty; they are concerned with winning. So, if the goal is to escape accountability, the word salad will be directed at accomplishing that. If the goal is to confuse you about something, they had previously told you then, that’s what must be accomplished for them to win. If the goal is simply to confuse, frustrate, and irritate you and wear you down in order to gain narcissistic supply, then that is what the goal is to achieve using wart salad.

 I want to elaborate a little on why the narcissist gains so much narcissistic supply using word salad? Most victims of narcissistic abuse will be highly sensitive people or empaths or both, and that means that we are genuinely concerned with being fair, understanding everyone’s perspective and opinion. We genuinely really care that everyone feels heard and validated, likewise we genuinely care that we are understood. the meanings of things is important to us, unlike the narcissist.

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