The Narcissist’s Number 1 Tool that Drives You CRAZY

You have just had a conversation searching for conclusions and resolutions with a human being who could not be interested in those things in the least. See, your aim and the narcissist’s objective for having a conversation are two totally completely different things. You are searching for answers, meaning, honesty and transparency. The narcissist is searching for a narcissistic supply to escape accountability and to confuse distress and frustration.

So, why do they do that? Most times they do it out of an overall necessity to have it as a backup to gaslight you. Many times, narcissists will use the word salad for conversations that don’t even matter, where it would not be necessary for them to manipulate anything, but they like to utilize word salad whenever they can because they can gaslight you at will.

The name of the game for the narcissist is to escape accountability for anything they have done or anything they might do and to control and manipulate your perceptions and beliefs about yourself. And using word solid accomplishes both goals because they can blame your interpretation of what they said as the reasoning you didn’t have the correct information wasn’t their fault, it’s your fault. You heard them wrong, if you would just listen carefully, you just never listen or the one they always use boy you sure are getting things confused anymore.

A very wonderful book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself (English Edition)

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