The Dangerous Relationship Between A Narcissist and An Empath

First of all, I believe that due to the enormous amounts of compassion empaths are prone to absorbing from the emotions and energy of others, when we meet a narcissist, the energy we sense triggers something inside of us. This ignites our need to comfort the narcissist, which, at the same time, triggers the narcissist’s need for narcissistic supply. Most times, the empath will believe that they can help or even heal the narcissist, even if this belief is subconscious. If a relationship is established between these two people, usually the empath will start to shower the narcissist with love, empathy, compassion, and loyalty.

Yes, loyalty is also one of the empath’s super traits. Empaths can feel a deep connection to people in a short amount of time, and loyalty is something they feel more strongly than other people. Sometimes we refer to it as blind loyalty. However, rather than viewing this as a precious gift and something to be grateful for, the narcissist sees it as a weakness and starts to exploit and take advantage of it.

Another reason narcissists and empaths are attracted to each other is because of their attachment styles based on their own experiences with caregivers or parents. Empaths tend to desire validation and love from a narcissist, often because their emotional needs were not met by their caregiver or parent. It’s very common for an empath to have had a narcissistic parent who was emotionally abusive or neglectful. As adults, we have a subconscious desire to recreate the relationship we had with our narcissistic parent in an effort to get it right. This is called repetition compulsion, which is nearly always at play to some degree. We try to get the love, attention, and protection from a narcissist in our adult life that we did not receive from our narcissistic parent. However, usually, we are not aware that both our parent and current narcissistic partner are incapable and unwilling to give us the things we are desperately trying to achieve. We haven’t figured that out yet, so we most likely believe that both our abusive narcissistic parent and our current partner are normal, which is false. However, because we believe these things, we tend to internalize the rejection, abuse, and neglect we are exposed to as somehow being our fault. We typically

 believe that love is conditional because that’s all we have ever really known.

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