The 3 Most Painful Things A Narcissist Will Do To You

1. Devaluation after worship

After the idealization phase is over – which usually happens abruptly, without any signs – you will be thrust off your pedestal. The narcissist will unexpectedly (and inexplicably) become cold and distant. It is then that they will start criticizing you. They will compare you to other people – always to your disadvantage.

When you try to talk to them they will give you the silent treatment and make sure you know how gravely disappointed they are with you. You will then come to believe you are at fault and you will make attempts to deserve their former sweetness again – to push the relationship back to the honeymoon phase.

Your desire to win them back will lead to the narcissist calling you needy, jealous and suffocating. Occasionally, the narcissist will bathe you in the loving behavior they demonstrated in the beginning of the relationship. And then they will go back to stonewalling, disinterest and inconsistency. Making you feel thoroughly unimportant after you “meant the world to them”.

2. Gaslighting

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