Strange Things That Happen Because Of The Narcissist

Another strange thing that happens when you are involved with a narcissist is that you start feeling inadequate. You start thinking that everything that goes wrong is your fault. Of course, it is the result of the narcissist’s gaslighting or blame shifting, but as we all know, when you are in it, things are not this clear. The manipulation is coming from all angles. How they speak to you, what they say to you, how they look at you, the things they do or don’t do for you Everything the narcissist does is strategic, and their aim is to make you feel responsible for everything that goes wrong. This can lead you to doubt yourself and your capabilities, lowering your self-esteem. You just start to feel inadequate all around, and the narcissist is just there to affirm that inadequacy.

The third strange thing is a lot of misunderstandings. All of a sudden, you are difficult to understand. For some reason, you are no longer able to communicate clearly and effectively. There are just too many misunderstandings that lead to arguments and silent treatments. And as a result, you end up adopting a quieter role just so as to avoid any further misunderstandings. You essentially lose your voice or give up your voice just to have some peace in your life. You second-guess yourself as to how to approach the narcissist or what you can or cannot say to the narcissist.

The relationship as a whole becomes very strained and strange. Another strange thing that can happen is a constant feeling of loneliness. Even though you are in a relationship, Even though you are surrounded by people, you just feel like no one is really there for you. You come to realize that the narcissist is never really present, that they don’t support you, and that they don’t have your back. So, while they are physically present, they are not there for you, but rather against you.That is why there is a sense of loneliness.

Another strange thing that happens is the changing moods of the people around you.

There is a sense that people are treating you or looking at you differently.You don’t know for sure why or what is going on, but there is an uneasiness that these people who once liked you now hate you. which would appear strange given that you have done nothing to them or changed them in any way.However, this would be the result of the narcissist’s efforts to smear you behind your back.They actively try to destroy any meaningful relationships you have. And if you try to convince the narcissist that so-and-so is mistreating you, they will make it appear as if it is all in your head.But how strange that this has only started happening when the narcissist got to know them! This is something I addressed recently in this article.

Although clinical research has been conducted on narcissism as a disorder, less is known about its effects on victims who are in toxic relationships with partners with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

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