Narcissist’s Sneaky Tactics to Insult You

I did not Know

Another thing they do is feign ignorance, pretending what they did or said was innocent and they can’t see the problem. Even though you may have communicated to them numerous times about something you don’t like or want, they will still turn around and do exactly that, then pretend like they never knew, they understood it differently, or that it never happened. The narcissist would also openly disclose something you told them in confidence but then act like they didn’t realize it was that serious. They would be quick to refer to incidences like these as misunderstandings or that you were not clear enough about your feelings or wants.

Never the Whole Truth

Another favorite of narcissists is never the whole truth, toxic people distorting the truth. The best liars always try to mix some truth with their lie to make it more believable. So even though you and the narcissist could have experienced the same event, the narcissist will relate differently. They will exaggerate or add their twist to be more entertaining or to just deceive. The narcissist has not forgotten, and they are not confused about how things actually occurred. Their half-truths or little white lies are intentional; they lie to manipulate and control, and they will always throw in a bit of truth to get people to side with them or to make you doubt your own recollection of events.

10 Worst Responses To A Narcissist’s Games

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