This Is Why Narcissists Eventually Self Destruct

Typical narcissists have a severe phobia of being seen for who they really are, so they fabricate an identity, constructing a foundation of lies upon which their entire existence will finally collapse. Always keep in mind that narcissists are dishonest, even with themselves, about who they really are. When this happens, they get defensive and start yelling, arguing, and blaming other people for their problems.

They are emotionally incapable of having honest conversations, preferring to engage in argumentative or passive-aggressive conduct. Instead of considering alternative points of view, they force their values and views on others. Their self-interested values will eventually lead to their downfall, and that is a certainty.

A narcissist’s trajectory toward ruin can be traced back to a number of telltale signs or actions. The first red flag would be an attack on your life. The goal of a narcissist is to make you look stupid and to pin the responsibility for their problems on you. However, this leads them to improperly managed conflicts and irrationally make choices, as they are unable to see the bigger picture of how people are connected.

They might dismiss your opinion as irrelevant if it contradicts their own. They insist they are the only ones capable of making sound judgments, ignoring the possibility that your viewpoint could help them. There’s absolutely no space for debate.

The need to constantly place blame on others is another telltale sign of a self-destructive narcissist. They ruin your life, discredit you, and make you feel like garbage. This is another indicator that they are headed toward their own demise.

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