Narcissists Cannot Tolerate Authenticity

Growing up with a narcissistic parent helped me realize that there are no limits when it comes to narcissists. It is not enough for them to abuse their partners or talk badly about everyone, including their own parents. They compete with their own children and spread lies about them.

When a child manages to separate from that parent and be successful and happy, it bothers the narcissist. So, whether it is a narcissistic parent, sibling, partner, or friend, if your success does not directly benefit them, they will secretly want you to fail. They would prefer to see you fall flat on your face than achieve your dreams or goals. They would prefer that you are anxious and miserable instead of being at peace. Misery loves company, and that is why narcissists aim to make people miserable. They prefer it if you fake being happy and if your life is a lie.

Therefore, narcissists hate authentic people, and their job is to stomp out that authenticity. They want to stomp out any self-love and self-respect. They exist to kill, steal, and destroy. However, our authenticity allows us to discover and admit our brokenness and try to mend it. So, even though narcissists may have succeeded in breaking some of us down, we can rise again. But we must continue being true to ourselves, not let anyone disrespect our boundaries, stand up for what we believe in, and not compromise our values.

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