Narcissistic Abuse Destroys your Vocabulary and Linguistic skills

Today we are going to talk about a special area in your prefrontal cortex or frontal lobe called Broca’s area. It is located in the left cerebral hemisphere. You don’t need to remember any of this, but just for you to know that this area is responsible for speech regulation and your linguistic skills. Broca’s area, located in our frontal lobe, is mainly responsible for language production. But its role is still unclear. Researchers say that it has a direct connection with the production of speech, its syntax, grammar, and the muscle movements of our tongue and mouth in combination to produce speech. But they just do not know what it does fully. What it is important to understand is that we need to understand that with the frontal lobe changing, as I mentioned, the prefrontal cortex area, which is this area, every other part of the brain changes as well to adapt. What do I mean by adaptation? The amygdala, for example, shows inflammation because it has to heighten the sensitivity towards threat perception. It has to know and quickly respond to your environment, to scan it for possible danger. So what does the body do? It gives more preference to that area, shows more functioning there, and other parts where thinking, rationalizing, decision-making, all the other stuff happens that needs time and that you can do when feeling safe, are suppressed. It’s what happens with continued exposure to stress. It’s possible that with the anatomical changes in your frontal lobe, in your prefrontal cortex, this Broca’s area also changes. With continued exposure to chronic stress, the Broca’s area impacts your linguistic skills eventually. And because of the overall change in functioning, it becomes difficult for you to understand what you’re reading, to process it, to comprehend it, and to store it in the larger part of the brain. Stammering and stuttering could be other examples of the manifestation of the same brain trauma. The hippocampus is also of importance here. That is the part responsible for memory storage and consolidation, meaning when you learn procedures, things, words, and so on, they get consolidated there, and your hippocampus processes them, sends them into long-term memory from short-term memory, and they become a part of your personality, which is how you become capable of accessing the prior learned knowledge at any time. With the shrinkage of memory consolidation and retrieval becomes difficult due to this hippocampus as well. Memory consolidation and retrieval become really difficult, and that leads to brain fog, not remembering things, not recalling events, difficulty thinking, and you know what I’m talking about. All of this is to say narcissistic abuse is an unforgivable sin in my eyes because the narcissist doesn’t damage you financially, physically, and emotionally only, they damage your brain as well, and it’s a real thing.

For these reasons, healing is possible! It’s extremely important for you and for those who support you to give you enough time, space, and healing resources to recover from this kind of life-altering trauma. Neuroplasticity is a phenomenon by which brain changes create new neural pathways and basically heals, and that is what I believe in as well. No matter what your age, your brain can heal because I know your question would be how do I reverse the brain damage? And the answer that I’m going to give you is a little bit surprising because you do nothing with the brain. The brain will heal as by the secondary impact of what you will do with the body. You have to work with the body. What do you do with the body? You work on your nervous system and you heal and regulate it. Why the nervous system regulation? Nervous system regulation because if your nervous system is in a constant state of sympathetic dominance, in a state of fight, flight, freeze, or fawn, basically in fear, and you feel unsafe, it’s not going to allow your brain to switch off that survival state. Your brain will stay stuck, so will your body. It’s a feedback loop. You do not only scan your external environment, you also scan your internal environment as well. So it’s a feedback; one feeds the other, your brain notices your body, your body notices the brain, and that is how this whole thing gets produced. By any chance, you’re able to induce relaxation through living an intentional and a deliberate life, you are going to give signals to your brain, “Oh hey, it’s safe now, it’s fine, you can come back to your earlier state,” and that is what will lead to healing.

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