Narcissist Speaks About His 4 Favorite Manipulation Tactics

Reactive abuse is one of my all-time favorites because, after reactive abuse, the target really starts to hate themselves and feel a huge amount of regret and guilt, which just softens all their boundaries. It really dissolves their capacity to say no, to refuse me, and to refuse my evil deeds as evil. Reactive abuse is where I do something to provoke the target. I find out what her weak spots are, what her vulnerabilities and sensitivities are, and deliberately push those buttons. I deliberately provoke her into some sort of explosive outburst, which anybody, any human being over time, will respond with an explosive outburst given enough passive aggression, slights, and little digs here and there, and triggering of their vulnerabilities.

Once she’s had the outburst, I’ve got it. That’s reactive abuse. Then all I have to do is focus on her outrageous outburst. Maybe she will scream at me and become angry, and then I’ll say, “My God, you’re such an angry person. Maybe you need to go to therapy.” Maybe she will start crying and have a breakdown and become very sad and upset, and I’ll say, “My God, you’re so weak. What is wrong with you? I barely did anything, and look at you.” And then I’ll treat her with contempt and disgust and really focus on the ugliness, inappropriateness, and hostility of her response.

If it’s a woman, I would say probably you want to really focus on an angry and jealous response because women don’t like to think of themselves as being jealous. They really don’t like that. Some women really don’t like to think of themselves as being weak, but most women, it’s the jealousy thing you can get her on. It’s so ugly to be jealous, and it’s so ugly and unfeminine to be angry. With a man, if you can provoke a response of sadness, then you can say to him, “Oh my God, what kind of a man are you? Look at you. You’re so weak, you’re such a pussy. What are you doing, you’re crying now? What is wrong with you?” And if you can induce anger in a man, you can go, “Oh my God, you’re such a bully, you’re terrifying me! This is awful. Are you one of those violent, awful men, just like your father?” That’s another nice thing to layer in there. If they have an issue with their mother or their father, bring that up. If she’s jealous and she has an outburst, you’ll be like, “Oh, look at you, you’re jealous, just like your horrible mother that you don’t like.” If he has an angry outburst, you’ll be like, “Oh my God, look at you, you’re such a bully and a tyrant and a psychopath, just like your father.” This is a really good way of further triggering all of their insecurities from their past and doing as much emotional damage as possible with very, very little effort. Reactive abuse, it’s beautiful.

Although clinical research has been conducted on narcissism as a disorder, less is known about its effects on victims who are in toxic relationships with partners with Narcissistic
Personality Disorder.

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