Narcissist Speaks About His 4 Favorite Manipulation Tactics

Gaslighting is one of the terms that has entered the culture now, and everybody uses it. So you might think that this is something that maybe can’t be in the narcissist’s toolbox anymore because everybody knows what you’re doing. However, there’s so much confusion around gaslighting, and people are gaslighting each other about gaslighting. Gaslighting does not just mean lying. Lying is good, lying is a useful tool, but this is worse.

Gaslighting specifically refers to the movie or movies, plural, “Gaslight,” where the guy in the movie was going around the house and changing the lighting in the house, moving it up and down, and then telling his wife that he wasn’t changing the lights up and down, that her perception was what was wrong. Lying is akin to gaslighting, but gaslighting is next level.

The point of gaslighting is to convince the target that their perception of reality is faulty and broken and that they’re actually going crazy. If lying is needed to achieve that end, then go ahead and use it. But lying itself is not gaslighting. Gaslighting means slowly altering that person’s perception of reality over time so that they cease to trust themselves.

Narcissists NEVER Do These Things

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