Most Powerful Way to Know a Narcissist’s True Intentions

Whenever a narcissist opens their mouth and something comes out of it, it’s nothing but a bunch of lies, be it projection, blame-shifting, gaslighting, manipulation, and even lambasting. It’s everything that is made up, and the truth is the opposite. For example, if they tell you, ‘I love you,’ the truth is, ‘I actually hate you. I love the fact that you love me. I love the fact that you love the way I’m treating you temporarily. I love the fact that I’m able to establish control over you, and I love the fact that I will get to take all the supply later and make you think it is your fault.’

Whenever they say, ‘I hate you,’ it’s all about ‘I hate myself, but because I can’t experience that since I don’t want to feel shame, I will hate you and think the fault lies within you when in reality, I am hating myself through hating you. Whenever I say, ‘I didn’t do that,’ ‘I didn’t say that,’ I exactly know what I did and said. I just do not want to accept it because by accepting it, I will have to also accept that I can make a mistake and I am like you or that I am below you. None of that is enticing to me; none of that is alluding to me because with that comes self-reflection, and I want to run away from it like fire runs away from water. Reflection and I are like oil and water; we can never mix. Only my opinion matters, and I’ll do everything to make sure it matters, even if that means compartmentalizing things in my own head and gaslighting myself into thinking I never did it or said it. I’ll compartmentalize it by comparing it with something that I have done in the past. Like, if you hold me accountable and if there is undeniable proof and evidence, I will still find a way out by comparing it with something I did to somebody else, which was way bigger than something that I did to you, and then minimize it and say, ‘Oh, it wasn’t that bad.’

Like, I can go really bad with all these things, but see, I’m not treating you that way, which in a weird way to me means I’m treating you the narcissist will change you better. You should be grateful for it, and because you are complaining, it must be your fault. So, I will blame you for being ungrateful. I will call you unthankful, and I’ll say you are triggering me, and then I’ll abuse you. And then that is how it will go, and then I’ll pretend to be the savior of the relationship and say, ‘You are anxious. You are messing this up, and I am the only one who is trying to keep us together.’

8 Ways To SPOT a LYING Narcissist

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