How to Outsmart the Narcissist

So, what I mean by this is don’t show a narcissist what you want, because the minute you tell them what it is that you definitely don’t want or you do want, then that’s the thing that they’re going to do whatever they can to make sure you don’t get it. Because if you’re trying to outsmart a narcissist here, you don’t show your hand; you don’t show what it is that you want. You throw them off the scent. You act nonchalant about the thing that you want the most, and then the thing that you don’t care about, you act like that’s the most important ever. And especially if you’re negotiating with the narcissist, this is very, very critical. I have a video on how to negotiate with a narcissist, and I will drop a link to that below. Check that out if you’re trying to negotiate with a narcissist, but regardless of whether you’re trying to negotiate or not, you’re still in a negotiation if you’re having to deal with this narcissist. So, don’t show them what it is that means the most to you, because that’s what they will then target. Because then, in the end, if you end up with what you want, who cares? If they knew that that was what you wanted, and if they think that you didn’t get what you wanted, act like, “Oh my gosh, this was just horrible” or whatever. And then, when you go back to your house or your room or whatever, you can just be like Dr. Evil and squeal, and ha ha ha ha, you got what you wanted. So, who cares if he or she knows that you got what you wanted?

And number five has nothing to do with the narcissist at all. It has everything to do with you. And in my book, Negotiate As You Matter, and in my programs, you know, those of you who’ve worked with me or those of you who’ve read my book, that the most important thing is your internal feeling of value. So, you focus on your power. Focus on Your Power You focus on your value and your internal feeling of value. Remember that narcissists have no internal sense of value. They get all their feelings of any sort of value from the external. And the more you can just be that oak tree and you can just stand in your power, the less the narcissist will get to you. And that is the best way to outsmart that narcissist. I would try to get that narcissist out of your world if you possibly can. And I always say, Show them the door to your world. Have a nice life. But obviously, if you’re co-parenting with a narcissist and you know you’re still going to have to have them in your world, do something like parallel parenting, something where you don’t have to deal with them regularly.

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