How to Manifest Your Dream Life Fast After Narcissistic Abuse

Number two: Decide. There is incredible power in making a decision. When we are grounded in a clear, energetic decision, all divinely benevolent forces get behind us to support us in moving in the direction of our heart’s desire. Again, there is power in your internal certainty beyond what you might imagine. So, make a decision. Once you’re clear about what you want, decide that you will have it. You will find a way. You can and will figure it out. Be willing to step into the magic of life and have faith in something greater than yourself, knowing that you can and will have assistance when you need it. All you have to do is align through clarity and the power of your personal decision. Place the power of your thoughts and words, your heart, and your actions behind and in support of yourself. In other words, back yourself. Know your desired outcome and anchor it in the belief that it is possible or, better yet, inevitable. In doing so, all your stuff is going to come up, and this is where your work is.

Question what you do and do not feel worthy of. What are you afraid of having? Challenge yourself with what you truly want. Then tell yourself the ultimate truth about all of them. Who are you? Who are you becoming? And what are you worthy of? What do you deserve? Then act accordingly from that place. And when you don’t like what you’re living, when it isn’t aligned with what you say you want and the ultimate truth of who you are, you figure out a way to move towards something different, something better, something more aligned. You decide. You do the mental work, you do the emotional work, you do the energetic work, and you back up that work with inspired action, doing the next right thing. And if you don’t know what the next right thing is, you decide by affirming something along the lines of, “All the answers and solutions I need are coming to me now. Thank you.” This way, you actively and continually choose who you are, what you get to experience in this world, and what you’re moving toward. And you make that decision over and over and over, until each time you carry the frequency and anchor in the power of your pure decision more fully and completely. And in doing so, you’ll actually begin to embody your new truth. You are elevated and perhaps even impeccable. Standards and boundaries create and attract, knowing and being, and the continual choosing of what is and is not aligned, what is and is not a match, what is and is not for your highest good or the highest good of all concerned. Align with the vision you have for yourself and your life—your best life.

So, decide. The power of your decision will, over time, anchor you into true abundance in all areas of your life and literally transform your mind as well as your experience.

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