How To Make A Narcissist Feel Sorry For What They Have Done

So, the fact that you’re going to confront them, maybe even talk to them, trying to get closure, trying to understand why this has happened, there’s no point. Because the reason why it’s happened is that you’re not providing that value anymore.”

So, what happens is that they get bored, they don’t like it, they get bored, they start to look for other people to give them that attention and that validation, and that focus and that energy, which is exactly the life force that we’re talking about here. When you take that away, they can’t stand it.”

When you really rely on someone for something, and that person takes that something away, it’s going to leave a hole, it’s going to make you feel like, ‘Hold on a minute, why has this happened? Why is I can’t live without this?’ And you’re going to want that even more because you don’t, you can’t have it.”

When you go no contact, when you take away communication, when you take away validation and that energy and that focus off of the narcissist, they’re gonna feel it, they’re gonna know that you’re not giving it to them, and they’re going to want it even more. So, they might even reach out to you, they might even try and contact you in some way, maybe through other people as well.”

So, they’re going to try and get that back because you are a high-value person to the narcissist. You have taken away something that the narcissist really desires, and they’re going to try and get that back. They’re going to do everything they can to try and get that back. The moment you stop caring and your energy is taken away from that person, it’s the moment that the energy shifts, and they want it, they want it so bad because they can’t have it because you’re not providing it for them.

6 Things Narcissists Absolutely Hate

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